Third Birthday, Chamonix 2019

Created by John 4 years ago

To our darling little girl on your third birthday - another one spent in Chamonix, your spiritual home!  Our family is growing and you are still very much a part of it - we have another little seedling growing, who will hopefully join us in April next year! 

People continue to do amazing things in your honour and fundraising across First Touch and Bliss is fast approaching an incredible £80,000.  This year, your Aunty Laura (Head, not Calder :) did a crazy wing walk on an airplane, raising an incredible amount of money for Bliss.  Hannah Barry ran the London Marathon in your honour, daddy and Freddy cheered her on with team Bliss and her family on the embankment as she entered the final mile.  Katie Kennedy who never even met you asked for donations for you instead of baby shower gifts and Kate Lott ran a bake sale in your honour.  Your legacy lives on and strong.

This year is a special year as its also the 40th anniversary of Bliss.  Daddy continues to support them as trustee and they have had a tough year, so all the donations above have made a huge difference.  Daddy has been helping them with the next 3 year strategy of the charity and also went to St Georges NNU, your home, to present them with their baby charter certification.  It was great to be back and brought back many memories.  Your incubator we bought in your name with First Touch was still very much in use and making a difference to many babies.  We also just bought a vCreate Video Messaging tablet for first touch for your birthday this year to help parents keep in touch with their babies when they are not in the unit.

We hiked a mountain on your birthday as we always do, and hope to make a bigger ascent of Mont Blanc in a couple of years time to scatter your ashes and raise more money for Bliss. 

Your legacy and memory very much live on and we miss you so much, each and every day.  Happy birthday, little girl. xxxxx